Just one mature crabgrass plant can produce thousands of seeds. Crabgrass seeds have no trouble germinating in the absolute worst of conditions. The rules are pretty simple. Do nothing now and your lawn stands the chance of sprouting this rapidly growing, clumpy, coarse-textured grassy weed. Take preventative action now and crabgrass can be kept in check.
Lawn care maintenance that includes regular fertilization, proper mowing at the correct height, good watering practices, and insect and disease control will all help to maintain a healthy and thick turf that is less likely to be penetrated by crabgrass seeds.
A pre-emergent herbicide is very effective against crabgrass and goosegrass if applied at the right time (before the seeds germinate). This preventative treatment will form a barrier in the soil and newly sprouted crabgrass will be eradicated before it can emerge above ground. So when exactly is the proper timing to apply a pre-emergent? Crabgrass seeds begin to germinate when the average daily soil temperature (4 inches deep) is 55 degrees for 3 consecutive days. Here in Gastonia, North Carolina, we mark our calendars to do the first round application during mid to late February. A pre-emergent herbicide treatment lasts for approximately 6 weeks. We use a split dose application where 50% of the active ingredient is applied in late February and repeated in early April. This provides a 12 week protection period during the most active germination time. The pre-emergent that we use is mixed in combination with a fertilizer, delivering nutrients for a “spring green-up” effect for the turf. Pre-emergent herbicides are great for prevention, but remember that their mechanism of action doesn’t target existing, above-ground weeds. For this problem, a post-emergent herbicide is needed.
With a combination of good lawn care practices and careful timing of the appropriate pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides, Morrison Lawn & Landscape can help you to successfully manage crabgrass. If you are have interest for us to visit your Gastonia, NC property for a free consultation for lawn service, contact us today at (704) 813-2545. Click here to contact us via email.